Monday, April 26, 2010

I was just thinking about whether or not I really want to be a children's book author and illustrator. Do I really want to sit down and squeeze my brain every day? Well, I decided that making money usually involves work, and no matter what job I do there will probably be certain aspects of it I do not enjoy, so, I guess I will try writing a book this summer and see how it goes. Does anybody have any ideas? If you could write a Christian children's book about anything what would you write about. The answers from my non-Christian blog readers would probably be the most interesting. Anyway, if I try to write a book and it goes terribly and I really enjoy it then I will write another, but if it goes terribly and I hate it then I will look into some new careers. Maybe even if it goes wonderfully and I still hate it I might still do something else because I just can not see myself spending my life doing something I do not enjoy at all.


  1. You're going to have to squeeze your brain, so to speak, at something so it might as well be something you love and feel some passion about. Your faith is important to you, and this is a way to make it a part of your work life.

    Happy artmaking summer!

    Ms G

  2. I don't know if you still check this or not but what if you wrote a children's book about how children view God, like their different perspectives of Him and His different roles in their lives? It may not be a story but it could be like a short and sweet book.
